1A: Language Basics 1A:语言基础
The purpose of Stage 1 is to create a foundation for comprehension so that you can learn directly from target language (TL) content in Stage 2. 第 1 阶段的目的是为理解奠定基础,以便您可以直接从第 2 阶段的目标语言 (TL) 内容中学习。
As described in Stage 0: Activities Explained, active study helps you build this foundation much faster than immersion alone. 正如第 0 阶段:活动解释中所述,主动学习可以帮助您比单独沉浸更快地建立这个基础。
There are four parts to active study: 主动学习分为四个部分:
Phonetics 语音学 Writing system 文字 Vocabulary 词汇 Basic grammar 基本语法
Phonetics 语音学
Each language has a unique set of sounds that are different from other languages. There are sounds in your TL that aren't shared with your native language (NL). 每种语言都有一组独特的声音,与其他语言不同。TL 中的某些声音未与您的母语 (NL) 共享。
When you first start learning, you won't be able to hear many of these sounds. Your brain literally cannot make sense of them and you will hear them differently from how they actually sound. 当你第一次开始学习时,你将无法听到其中的许多声音。你的大脑从字面上看无法理解它们,你会听到它们与它们实际听起来不同的声音。
The ability to hear these sounds comes from hundreds of hours of listening practice. You can speed up this process by learning about the phonetics of your TL. 听到这些声音的能力来自数百小时的听力练习。您可以通过了解 TL 的语音来加快此过程。
To learn the phonetics of your TL, search online for YouTube videos or blogs that explain the sounds and also provide listening examples. 要学习 TL 的语音,请在线搜索 YouTube 视频或博客,这些视频或博客解释了声音并提供听力示例。
Don’t practice pronunciation until you can accurately hear the phonetics of the language. If you do, you may get a bad accent that will be hard to undo later. 在你能准确地听到语言的语音之前,不要练习发音。如果你这样做,你可能会得到一个不好的口音,以后很难消除。
Writing System 文字
To accurately learn words, you need to read them in the language they were written in. If your TL uses a phonetic writing system, then learn the characters and connect the symbols to the sounds you learned about in your phonetics study. 要准确地学习单词,您需要用它们所写的语言阅读它们。如果您的 TL 使用拼音书写系统,请学习字符并将符号连接到您在语音学习中学到的声音。
Chinese and Japanese have character sets that represent meaning. If you are studying one of these languages, you will need to start learning these characters. 中文和日文都有代表含义的字符集。如果您正在学习其中一种语言,您将需要开始学习这些字符。
Each language has different tools for learning the writing system. Join the LangWeGo community to find the best learning resources for your language. 每种语言都有不同的学习书写系统的工具。加入 LangWeGo 社区,找到适合您语言的最佳学习资源。
Don't try to perfectly learn the writing system through study. Just learn the basics. Reading is a core part of the LangWeGo Roadmap, so you will have plenty of opportunities to master the writing system over time. 不要试图通过学习来完美地学习书写系统。只需学习基础知识即可。阅读是 LangWeGo 路线图的核心部分,因此随着时间的推移,您将有很多机会掌握书写系统。
Vocabulary 词汇
When you first start learning a language, you won't be able to understand any of your immersion. The fastest way to boost your comprehension is to learn the 1000 most common words. The 1000 most common words cover 70-80% of daily speech. 当你第一次开始学习一门语言时,你将无法理解你的任何沉浸感。提高理解力的最快方法是学习 1000 个最常见的单词。1000 个最常见的单词涵盖了 70-80%的日常用语。
Once you have a foundation and can comprehend some of your immersion, you will start to study vocabulary directly from your immersion content instead of from a vocabulary list. This method is extremely effective because it focuses your vocabulary study on the words that are most relevant and useful to your personal learning experience. 一旦你有了基础,可以理解你的一些沉浸感,你就会开始直接从你的沉浸式内容中学习词汇,而不是从词汇表中学习词汇。这种方法非常有效,因为它将您的词汇学习集中在与您的个人学习体验最相关和最有用的单词上。
There are many tools you can use to study vocabulary. You can use a simple tool like paper flashcards, but we recommend using a spaced repetition system (SRS). An SRS is much more efficient than regular flashcards because it automatically adjusts your study to focus on words you are struggling to learn. 您可以使用许多工具来学习词汇。您可以使用纸质抽认卡等简单工具,但我们建议使用间隔重复系统 (SRS)。SRS 比普通抽认卡更有效,因为它会自动调整您的学习以专注于您正在努力学习的单词。
In the next article, we’ll explain what an SRS is, which one to use, and how to start studying the most common vocabulary for your TL. 在下一篇文章中,我们将解释什么是 SRS、使用哪一个以及如何开始学习 TL 最常见的词汇。
Grammar 语法
There Is No "Why" 没有“为什么” When new learners learn a new piece of grammar, they often ask, “Why does the language work this way?”. They are looking for a concrete rule that explains the language. 当新学习者学习新的语法时,他们经常会问:“为什么语言是这样工作的?他们正在寻找一个具体的规则来解释这种语言。
Unfortunately, there is often no answer to their question. The truth is that language is too messy and chaotic to be explained by a simple set of rules. There is no why and it is pointless to ask why a language is the way that it is. 不幸的是,他们的问题往往没有答案。事实是,语言太混乱和混乱,无法用一套简单的规则来解释。没有为什么,问为什么一种语言是这样的是没有意义的。
It's important to realize that grammar "rules" aren't actually rules. They're just guidelines for how the language is generally used. 重要的是要认识到语法“规则”实际上并不是规则。它们只是语言通常使用方式的指南。
Grammar study is not useful for speaking fluently because it’s impossible to memorize every rule and exception. Even if you were able to, you wouldn’t have enough time to use that knowledge while speaking. 语法学习对于流利地说没有用,因为不可能记住每一条规则和例外。即使你能做到,你也没有足够的时间在说话时使用这些知识。
Fortunately, our brains are really good at learning grammar intuitively. Through immersion, you will gain an intuitive understanding of the language so that you can speak correctly without needing to think about grammar. 幸运的是,我们的大脑非常擅长直观地学习语法。通过沉浸式学习,您将获得对语言的直观理解,这样您就可以正确地说话而无需考虑语法。
grammar meme
Comprehension Focus 理解重点 Although grammar study isn't useful for speaking, it is very useful for comprehension. While vocabulary study helps you understand individual words, grammar study helps you understand full sentences. 虽然语法学习对口语没有用,但它对理解非常有用。词汇学习可以帮助您理解单个单词,而语法学习可以帮助您理解完整的句子。
Start by reading about the basic grammar of your TL for 10-15 minutes per day. As you see new grammar structures in your immersion, read about how they work. 首先每天阅读 TL 的基本语法 10-15 分钟。当您在沉浸式体验中看到新的语法结构时,请阅读它们的工作原理。
Most of your grammar study probably won't make sense until after you've immersed and seen many examples. If something doesn't make sense, then skip it. You'll eventually figure it out through immersion. 在你沉浸其中并看到许多例子之后,你的大部分语法学习可能都没有意义。如果有什么意义,那就跳过它。你最终会通过沉浸来弄清楚。