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1A: Vocabulary 1A:词汇

When getting started with language acquisition, your first goal is to build a foundation of understanding. You need enough comprehension to start learning directly from your immersion. As mentioned in the last article, the fastest way to build this foundation is to memorize the most common vocabulary. 在开始语言习得时,您的首要目标是建立理解的基础。您需要足够的理解力才能直接从沉浸式学习中开始学习。如上一篇文章所述,建立这个基础的最快方法是记住最常见的词汇。

Study Tools 学习工具

There are many different memorization tools and techniques. In our opinion, spaced repetition systems (SRS) are, by far, the most effective memorization tool. 有许多不同的记忆工具和技巧。在我们看来,间隔重复系统(SRS)是迄今为止最有效的记忆工具。

An SRS is a flashcard program that attempts to track how well you know each flashcard and intelligently shows you the cards it thinks you're about to forget. This means you can keep a huge amount of information in your head while minimizing unnecessary reviews. SRS 是一个抽认卡程序,它试图跟踪您对每张抽认卡的了解程度,并智能地向您显示它认为您将要忘记的卡片。这意味着您可以在脑海中保留大量信息,同时最大限度地减少不必要的评论。

The best SRS tool currently available is Anki. Anki has many features and add-ons that help with language learning. It's free on the computer, web, and Android, but it costs $25 on iOS. 目前可用的最好的 SRS 工具是 Anki。Anki 具有许多有助于语言学习的功能和附加组件。它在计算机、网络和 Android 上是免费的,但在 iOS 上售价 25 美元。

Anki is a bit complicated so it's best to set aside some time to install and configure it. You can find a full guide about how to get started with Anki here. Anki 有点复杂,所以最好留出一些时间来安装和配置它。您可以在此处找到有关如何开始使用 Anki 的完整指南。

Study Strategy 学习策略

In immersion learning, your goal is to understand; not speak. That means that you only need to build your passive vocabulary: the set of words you can recognize and understand. 在沉浸式学习中,您的目标是理解;不说话。这意味着你只需要建立你的被动词汇:你可以识别和理解的一组单词。

You don’t need to practice recalling words from memory. By the time you reach Stage 3, your brain will naturally start converting your passive vocabulary into active vocabulary and you will be able to recall the words without extra effort. 你不需要练习从记忆中回忆单词。当你到达第 3 阶段时,你的大脑会自然而然地开始将你的被动词汇转化为主动词汇,你将能够毫不费力地回忆起这些单词。

Choosing a Word List

选择单词列表 Anki "decks" are premade collections of Anki flashcards that you can download and study. The LangWeGo community is hard at work building Anki decks that are ideal for new learners. Anki“套牌”是 Anki 抽认卡的预制集合,您可以下载和学习。LangWeGo 社区正在努力构建非常适合新学习者的 Anki 套牌。

To access these decks, join the free LangWeGo Discord community for your language. 要访问这些套牌,请加入您的语言的免费 LangWeGo Discord 社区。

If there's no LangWeGo deck available for your target language (TL), you can either use a premade deck from a different source, or you can create your own deck. 如果没有适用于您的目标语言 (TL) 的 LangWeGo 套牌,您可以使用来自其他来源的预制套牌,也可以创建自己的套牌。

Choosing a Premade Deck 选择预制甲板 In a good premade deck, each card will have a word, an example sentence, a definition, and ideally, audio for the word/sentence. 在一个好的预制套牌中,每张牌都会有一个单词、一个例句、一个定义,理想情况下,还有单词/句子的音频。

The LangWeGo community has compiled lists of the best existing decks for each language. Join the community to access these recommendations. LangWeGo 社区为每种语言编制了最佳现有套牌列表。加入社区以访问这些建议。

Creating Your Own Deck 创建自己的套牌 If you can’t find a good premade deck that fits the criteria above, you can create your own and share it with the community. 如果您找不到符合上述条件的优质预制套牌,您可以创建自己的套牌并与社区分享。

The first step to creating a deck is to choose the words you want to learn. The best way to do this is with a frequency list. A "frequency list" is a list of words sorted from most common to least common. You can find frequency lists for any language by searching on Google. 创建套牌的第一步是选择您想要学习的单词。最好的方法是使用频率列表。“频率列表”是从最常见到最不常见的单词列表。您可以通过在 Google 上搜索找到任何语言的频率列表。

When choosing a frequency list, make sure that it’s a list of root words, not conjugated/inflected words. For example, "walk" and "walking" should be treated as the same word. 选择频率列表时,请确保它是词根列表,而不是共轭/屈折词。例如,“walk”和“walking”应被视为同一个词。

If your native language (NL) and TL are related (like English and Spanish), then there will be a lot of shared words between the languages. These shared words are called "cognates" and you don't need to study them. 如果您的母语 (NL) 和 TL 相关(如英语和西班牙语),那么语言之间会有很多共享词。这些共享词被称为“同源词”,您无需研究它们。

Once you have your list of words, you will need to gather the necessary information for each word and load it into Anki. There are many types of cards you can create, but we recommend that you keep it simple. 一旦你有了你的单词列表,你就需要为每个单词收集必要的信息,并将其加载到 Anki 中。您可以创建多种类型的卡片,但我们建议您保持简单。

On the front of the card, put the word. 在卡片的正面,写上这个词。 vocabulary card front

On the back, put an example sentence and a definition. 在背面,放一个例句和一个定义。 vocabulary card back

Beginners may also want to put a translation of the example sentence on the back to help them understand. However, as you improve, you should avoid using translations because they are nearly always inaccurate. 初学者可能还想在后面放一个例句的翻译,以帮助他们理解。但是,随着您的改进,您应该避免使用翻译,因为它们几乎总是不准确的。

Also, remember that you are only studying for recognition and understanding. Make sure that the front of the card does not have any of your NL on it; only your TL. 另外,请记住,您只是为了认可和理解而学习。确保卡的正面没有任何您的 NL;只有你的 TL。

SRS Best Practices SRS 最佳实践

Every new word you learn comes back as multiple reviews later on. One of the most common mistakes new learners make is learning too many cards too quickly. Too many new cards leads to too many reviews, which often leads to burnout. 你学到的每一个新单词都会在以后以多次评论的形式回来。新学习者最常犯的错误之一是过快地学习太多卡片。太多的新卡会导致太多的评论,这往往会导致倦怠。

Focus on consistency over quantity. We recommend adding 10 new cards per day. With 10 new cards per day, you should expect to have about 70 reviews per day. It takes about two weeks for your review count to reflect changes to your new card count. 注重一致性而不是数量。我们建议每天添加 10 张新卡。每天有 10 张新卡,您应该期望每天有大约 70 条评论。您的评论计数大约需要两周时间才能反映新卡计数的变化。

If you ever start burning out, then stop adding new cards until the number of reviews drops down to a more manageable level. Feel free to drop down to 5 new cards per day, or whatever you find manageable. 如果您开始筋疲力尽,请停止添加新卡片,直到评论数量下降到更易于管理的水平。每天可以随意下拉到 5 张新卡,或任何您认为可以管理的卡片。