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0A: What is Immersion Learning?


Most language teachers instruct you to memorize words and grammar and then combine them to construct sentences. This way of learning is called the "skill-building" approach.


Skill-building is the right choice if you need to speak quickly. If you are planning to travel to another country soon and need to be able to speak, we recommend using Benny Lewis’s Language Hacking courses. Benny Lewis is a master of the skill-building approach.

如果您需要快速说话,技能培养是正确的选择。如果您计划很快前往另一个国家并需要能够说话,我们建议您使用 Benny Lewis 的语言黑客课程。本尼·刘易斯(Benny Lewis)是技能培养方法的大师。

However, the skill-building approach doesn't work for attaining fluency. When speaking fluently, you don't have time to conjugate verbs and construct sentences. You need the right words to pop into your head the first time.


Fluency requires an instinct for the language; the same instinct you have in your native language (NL). You probably don’t know the grammar rules of your NL. You just speak and the words come naturally. This instinct is the result of language “acquisition”. Once you’ve acquired a language, you will be able to speak the language without thinking.

流利需要对语言的直觉;与母语 (NL) 中的直觉相同。您可能不知道 NL 的语法规则。你只要说话,话语就会自然而然地出现。这种本能是语言“习得”的结果。一旦你掌握了一种语言,你就可以不假思索地说这门语言。

Immersion is the tool we use to acquire language. Immersion simply means exposing yourself to the language by watching TV, reading books, and browsing the internet.


How Does Acquisition Work?


"We all acquire language in the same way: by understanding messages.


–Stephen Krashen –斯蒂芬·克拉申(Stephen Krashen)

Learning the definition of a word is just the first step in the process of acquiring it. To acquire an instinct for how a word is used, you need to see and understand it hundreds of times in hundreds of different situations.


Through immersion, you expose yourself to those situations. Each time you see the word and understand it, you train your instinct. Eventually, your instinct becomes so strong that you will intuitively know how to use the word.


Time and Effort


Acquisition takes a lot of time, but that time doesn’t need to feel like work. The key to staying motivated is to make your immersion fun.


You can watch TV shows, YouTube, and TikTok videos. You can read tweets, blog posts, or books. Any media you enjoy in your NL you can also enjoy in your target language (TL).

您可以观看电视节目、YouTube 和 TikTok 视频。您可以阅读推文、博客文章或书籍。您在 NL 中欣赏的任何媒体也可以使用您的目标语言 (TL) 欣赏。

The average American spends 11 hours per day watching TV, streaming videos, and browsing social media. The more media time you convert to your TL, the faster you will become fluent.

美国人平均每天花 11 小时看电视、流媒体视频和浏览社交媒体。您转换为 TL 的媒体时间越多,您变得流利的速度就越快。

The actual time it takes varies depending on the language you’re learning and many other personal factors, but the most important piece is to spend a lot of time with the language. As long as you consistently spend time with your TL every day, you will eventually acquire it.

实际花费的时间取决于您正在学习的语言和许多其他个人因素,但最重要的是花大量时间学习该语言。只要你每天坚持不懈地花时间与你的 TL 在一起,你最终会获得它。