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0A: What's My Level? 0A:我的等级是多少?

There are four stages In LangWeGo’s Roadmap: LangWeGo 的路线图分为四个阶段:

Learn the Basics 了解基础知识 Learn to Understand 学会理解 Learn to Speak 学习说话 Expand Your Ability 扩展你的能力 Each stage is broken into substages. Each substage has different goals, strategies, and advice to help you focus your effort on what’s most beneficial for where you are in the process. We provide self-tests at each substage to help you determine if you are ready for the next one. 每个阶段都分为子阶段。每个子阶段都有不同的目标、策略和建议,以帮助您将精力集中在对您所处的过程中最有利的事情上。我们在每个子阶段都提供自我测试,以帮助您确定是否准备好进行下一个子阶段。

Stage 1: Get Started

第 1 阶段:开始使用 In Stage 1, you will learn the basics of your target language (TL) and what tools to use to learn directly from immersion. You will focus on building habits, learning the writing and phonetic systems of the language, and learning basic grammar and vocabulary. 在第 1 阶段,您将学习目标语言 (TL) 的基础知识,以及使用哪些工具直接从沉浸式学习中学习。您将专注于养成习惯,学习语言的写作和语音系统,以及学习基本的语法和词汇。

Stage 2: Learn to Understand

第 2 阶段:学会理解 In Stage 2, you will build your comprehension until you can fully understand a genre of native content. Stage 2 is broken into three substages: 在第 2 阶段,您将建立自己的理解力,直到您能够完全理解一种类型的原生内容。第 2 阶段分为三个子阶段:

2A: Understand Simple Content 2A:理解简单内容 In Stage 2A, you will focus on simple content, such as children's TV shows. Children's shows help you acquire the common vocabulary and grammar that you started studying in Stage 1. Once you can follow the plot of simple content, you'll graduate to Stage 2B. 在阶段 2A 中,您将专注于简单的内容,例如儿童电视节目。儿童节目可帮助您掌握在第 1 阶段开始学习的常见词汇和语法。一旦你能遵循简单内容的情节,你就会进入 2B 阶段。

2B: Follow Your Interests 2B:追随你的兴趣 In Stage 2B, you have enough of a foundation to start pursuing your interests. For example, if you're interested in fashion, then you could start following fashion vloggers on YouTube that speak your TL. 在阶段 2B 中,您有足够的基础开始追求您的兴趣。例如,如果你对时尚感兴趣,那么你可以开始在 YouTube 上关注说你的 TL 的时尚视频博主。

As you explore your interests, your comprehension will grow until you can follow the ideas in your immersion content. You will start to truly enjoy the content you’re immersing in. At this point, you can move on to Stage 2C. 当您探索自己的兴趣时,您的理解力会不断提高,直到您可以遵循沉浸式内容中的想法。您将开始真正享受您沉浸在其中的内容。此时,您可以进入阶段 2C。

2C: Narrow Your Focus 2C:缩小你的关注范围 When you reach Stage 2C, you will be enjoying your content, but there will still be gaps in your comprehension. To fill those gaps quickly, you will narrow your focus to one genre (aka “domain") of native content until you can fully understand it. 当你达到 2C 阶段时,你会喜欢你的内容,但你的理解仍然会有差距。为了快速填补这些空白,您将把注意力缩小到一种类型(又名“领域”)的原生内容,直到你完全理解它。

Native content means content originally created in your TL for native speakers. It does not include translations or learner content. 原生内容是指最初在 TL 中为母语人士创建的内容。它不包括翻译或学习者内容。

You can choose any domain you like (e.g. science fiction, fashion, cooking), however, we recommend focusing on slice-of-life TV first because it's most relevant to daily speech. 你可以选择任何你喜欢的领域(例如科幻小说、时尚、烹饪),但是,我们建议首先关注生活片段电视,因为它与日常言语最相关。

Stage 3: Learn to Speak

第 3 阶段:学习说话 Stage 3 focuses on converting your comprehension into speaking ability. Stage 3 is broken into three substages: 第 3 阶段的重点是将您的理解力转化为口语能力。第 3 阶段分为三个子阶段:

3A: Understand Casual Conversation 3A:理解随意的对话 The style of language used in everyday conversation is a little different from what you mastered in Stage 2, so the first step is to build up your comprehension in this new domain. Once you can understand casual conversation, writing and speaking will come easily to you. 日常对话中使用的语言风格与您在第 2 阶段掌握的语言略有不同,因此第一步是建立您对这个新领域的理解。一旦你能理解随意的谈话,写作和口语对你来说就很容易了。

3B: Practice Writing and Pronunciation 3B:练习写作和发音 In Stage 3B, you will practice writing and pronunciation as separate skills. For pronunciation practice, you will choose a language parent and copy their manner of speaking so that you can sound native-like. 在阶段 3B,您将练习写作和发音作为单独的技能。对于发音练习,您将选择一位语言父母并模仿他们的说话方式,以便您听起来像母语。

Twitch streamers, podcasters, and YouTubers are all good options for a language parent. Twitch 主播、播客和 YouTube 主播都是语言父母的不错选择。

3C: Start Speaking 3C:开始说话 In Stage 3C, you will combine your writing and pronunciation skills and start speaking. By the end of Stage 3, you will have achieved basic fluency in your TL. 在阶段 3C,您将结合您的写作和发音技能并开始说话。在第 3 阶段结束时,您将达到基本的流利程度。

Basic fluency means that you'll be fully functional in your TL. You will be able to speak about daily life and any other domains that you've chosen to master. The best part: you won't be translating from your NL. Your thoughts will go directly into your TL and you will be able to speak naturally and comfortably. 基本的流利度意味着您将在 TL 中完全发挥作用。您将能够谈论日常生活和您选择掌握的任何其他领域。最好的部分:您不会从您的 NL 翻译。你的想法将直接进入你的 TL,你将能够自然而舒适地说话。

Stage 4: Expand Your Ability

第 4 阶段:扩展您的能力 Once you've achieved basic fluency, it's your choice how to continue your language acquisition journey. You could choose to expand your comprehension abilities by immersing in new domains like biology, business, or politics. You could also choose to deepen your fluency and focus on trying to sound more native-like. 一旦你达到了基本的流利程度,你就可以选择如何继续你的语言习得之旅。你可以选择通过沉浸在生物学、商业或政治等新领域来扩展你的理解能力。你也可以选择加深你的流利度,并专注于尝试听起来更像原生。

In Stage 4, we explain different approaches to expanding and deepening your language ability. 在第 4 阶段,我们将解释扩展和深化语言能力的不同方法。

Where to Start? 从哪里开始? Many learners already have some experience studying their target language and won’t need to start at the beginning of the roadmap. No matter what level you are at, we recommend reading the entire guide so you don’t miss anything. 许多学习者已经有了一些学习目标语言的经验,不需要从路线图的开头开始。无论您处于哪个级别,我们都建议您阅读整个指南,以免错过任何内容。

Once you've read the guide, use the following test to find your level and which stage to start with: 阅读指南后,使用以下测试来查找您的级别以及从哪个阶段开始:

Can you read the writing system? Do you know 1000 words? 你能读懂书写系统吗?你知道 1000 个单词吗? If not, go to Stage 1. If yes to both, go to Stage 2A. 如果没有,请转到第 1 阶段。如果两者都是肯定的,请转到阶段 2A。

Can you recognize most of the words in a TV show for children (7+ years old) while watching with TL subtitles? 在观看 TL 字幕时,您能识别儿童电视节目(7+ 岁)中的大部分单词吗? If yes, go to Stage 2B. 如果是,请转到阶段 2B。

Can you follow the plot of a TV show for adults (16+ years old) while watching with TL subtitles? 您可以在观看带有 TL 字幕的成人电视节目(16+ 岁)时跟随剧情吗? If yes, go to Stage 2C. 如果是,请转到阶段 2C。

Do you have a near-perfect comprehension of a TV show for adults (16+) without any subtitles? 您是否对没有任何字幕的成人电视节目(16+)有近乎完美的理解? If yes, go to Stage 3A. 如果是,请转到阶段 3A。

Are you conversationally fluent in your TL, but want to continue deepening and expanding your fluency? 您是否能流利地使用 TL 进行对话,但想继续加深和扩大您的流利程度? If yes, go to Stage 4. 如果是,请转到第 4 阶段。

It’s important to be honest with yourself when answering these questions. It’s better to underestimate your ability than overestimate. If you are unsure of where to start, try starting from Stage 1A. You can always move up later when you feel comfortable. 在回答这些问题时,对自己诚实是很重要的。低估自己的能力总比高估好。如果您不确定从哪里开始,请尝试从阶段 1A 开始。当您感到舒适时,您可以随时向上移动。